How are Children’s Eyes Tested?

Ever Wondered how we test children’s eyes?

Parents often ask “at what age can I have my child’s eyes checked?”. By using appropriate examination techniques, children’s eyes can be assessed at any age (and they should be checked every two years). In fact, every week Dr Catt examines many preterm babies! Age is no barrier to having your child’s eyes assessed.

Dr Catt has written another informative article for RANZCO for Children’s week 2016 & explains what she is involved in a paediatric eye examination.

You can find this great article on the RANZCO website. by following this link

Dr Catt examining the eyes of a premature baby

Dr Catt examining the eyes of a premature baby

Orthoptists perform screening tests prior to seeing the ophthalmologist

Orthoptists perform screening tests prior to seeing the ophthalmologist

Toys are a great fixation tool! Dr Michael Jones examines the back of the eye of a young patient