Child eye care
Children can be affected by a range of complex eye conditions or may simply require glasses to improve their vision. They may require exercises which we prescribe for muscle related conditions called strabismus, or treatment for poor visual development called amblyopia. The management of such eye conditions in children demands highly specialised skills by paediatric trained doctors for proper child eye care. At the early stages of a child’s development a paediatric ophthalmologist is able to assess the extent of the child’s vision and the health of the eye. Fortunately some eye problems can be treated without surgery by the intervention of our specialists working with our dedicated orthoptists. You may rest assured, however, that our doctors are skilled in the most advanced and delicate paediatric surgical procedures. On a lighter note, our young patients find the experience of visiting “the eye doctor” at our rooms a lot of fun! We have a bright and colourful play area specially designed to keep creative and energetic young children entertained and occupied.