Orthoptic Assessment

Orthoptic Tests

During your appointment at Sydney Ophthalmic Specialists, you will see one of our Orthoptists prior to seeing the Ophthalmologist. The Orthoptist performs a series of orthoptic tests to assess vision, ocular alignment, eye movements & binocular vision.

These diagnostic tests are performed to assess various eye conditions such as strabismus (squint), amblyopia (lazy eye), diplopia (double vision), cataract, glaucoma, refractive errors (need for spectacles), neurological disorders & diabetic eye diseases.

Some of the common tests include:

  • Visual acuity
  • Eye movements: In this test, the movement of your eyes is assessed in 9 different gaze positions.
  • Cover test: This is used for identifying squint or misalignment of the eye.
  • Stereopsis tests: The test measures your ability to perceive depth and 3D vision.

The results of the tests will determine treatments such as orthoptic exercises, eye surgery and optical devices like lenses or spectacles.

Orthoptist Amanda testing a young patient’s vision