Eye-ball Tattooing

Have you heard about the latest craze of eye-ball tattooing? It has been in the news recently as it has just passed legislation in NSW and is now a legal procedure. This is unbelievable considering the potential dangers involved. Sydney Ophthalmic Specialists’ ophthalmologist Dr Caroline Catt worries about the dangers involved in eye-ball tattooing “eye-ball tattooing is a very risky procedure. The eye is made up of very delicate tissues, and the potential for vision loss and blindness is high”. RANZCO has just released a statement on eye-ball tattooing which strongly advises against the procedure.

Eye specialists warn on eye-ball tattooing: https://ranzco.edu/media-and-advocacy/media-centre/media-releases/media-release-articles/eye-specialists-warning-on-eye-ball-tattoos


eye tattooing