Diseases detected by eye tests

Unexpected diseases an eye test can spot

Did you know, in addition to sight problems, eye examinations can detect a range of serious diseases?

We all know that eye examinations provide us with information on eye diseases such as Glaucoma or Macular Degeneration, but they may also give a view of what is occurring in other parts of the body. Having your vision checked at least every two years could actually save your life!

blood pressure conceptual meter

Regular eye examinations are always a good idea, but here are 5 more reasons to book in that eye examination today!

1. Diabetes: There are a growing number of Australians who have undiagnosed Diabetes. Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes can creep up very slowly and may be dismissed as a normal part of ageing. High blood sugar related to diabetes can cause problems in the small blood vessels at the back of your eye resulting in Diabetic Retinopathy. An eye check will detect early characteristic changes such as tiny leaks from these damaged vessels.

2. High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure is linked to strokes and heart disease. Signs of these may be evident in the back of the eye in the form of thickening of blood vessel walls, narrowing of vessels & restricted blood flow through these vessels reaching the retina.

3. High Cholesterol / Cardiovascular problems: Changes in the patterns of veins & arteries in the retina can also be linked to cardiovascular disease and strokes or ‘Cerebral Vascular Accidents’. Click here to read more on Retinal Vascular Disorders.

4. Arthritis: Although characterised by joint inflammation, other forms of the disease can affect other parts of the body including the eyes. Examples of these autoimmune forms of arthritis are Rheumatoid arthritis and Ankylosing spondylitis. The inflammation caused by these diseases can be detected in eye tests. Uveitis is the same kind of inflammation that can attack joints and can slowly cause damage to the eye.

5. Tumours: The eye has a large blood supply relative to it’s size. For this reason, certain types of tumours can spread to the eye as well as primary tumours developing there, such as Retinoblastoma. Brain tumours can sometimes be detected by way of swelling of the optic nerve, linked to pressure from the tumour in the brain behind it.

So why wait?! Phone us today & book yourself in with one of our ophthalmologists for a comprehensive eye examination. Click here to contact us or phone us directly on 9241 2913.